Glyn R. Berry Memorial Scholarship

Glyn R. Berry was a distinguished member of the Canadian Foreign Service, tragically killed in an act of terrorism while serving in Afghanistan in 2006. He was widely respected for his commitment to creating stability and peace in locations ravaged by strife, poverty, and hardship. To honour his memory, Dalhousie University, in partnership with the then-named Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), established the Glyn R. Berry Memorial Scholarship in International Policy Studies in 2012.

The Canadian Ambassadors Alumni Association – AMBCANADA (previously known as the Retired Heads of Mission Association – RHOMA) played an instrumental role in activating the Scholarship with direct contributions of $5000 and helping to raise an additional $5000 in donations from its members.

The Scholarship supports a graduate student specializing in one of the following:
• Canadian foreign policy;
• defence and security policy;
• development assistance policy; or
• another area addressing Canada’s role in international affairs.

The financial support scholarships provide is one of the key factors enabling the best and brightest students to pursue graduate degrees.

The world’s problems are increasingly being played out on the international stage. Nations no longer exist in isolation.

There is a crucial need for scholars who have the depth and breadth of understanding in international affairs and defence and security policy to offer meaningful solutions.

As the international community increasingly responds to disasters and crises throughout the world, we need thoughtful, well-educated thinkers working in government, non-government organizations and other international bodies to make a difference that has a lasting and positive impact.

The Glyn R. Berry Memorial Scholarship in International Policy Studies will ensure the important work of dedicated humanitarians like Glyn R. Berry will continue for generations to come.

The Scholarship and Lecture Series since 2012:

The first recipient of the Glyn R. Berry Memorial Scholarship in International Policy Studies was David Morgan in 2012. The inaugural Glyn R. Berry Scholarship Lecture & Reception followed on January 28, 2013 with David M. Malone delivering the lecture.

Further information on The Glyn R. Berry Memorial Scholarship in International Policy Studies, the full list of recipients and of the speakers at the Glyn R. Berry Lectures can be found on the website of the Centre for the Study of Security and Development, Dalhousie University.



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