Bout de Papier Annual Award

The Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO) produces an award-winning quarterly magazine entitled, bout de papier.  To encourage and support excellence in writing among Foreign Service personnel, the Canadian Ambassadors Alumni Association – AMBCANADA (until recently known as the Retired Heads of Mission Association, RHOMA) awards an annual prize of $500.00 for the best article written in a given year.”

On June 14, 2019, the RHOMA  bout de papier award was given to Gary Luton for his piece “Three Days in November: The Siege of Mumbai” (Volume 30, No.4.).

On June 14, 2018, the Retired Heads of Mission Association announced the prize winner for the best contribution to PAFSO’s bout de papier magazine to Eric Schallenberg, PAFSO’s Communications Officer in recognition for the complete redesign of the magazine (Volume 30, No. 3).

There was no prize awarded in 2017.

On June 10, 2016, RHOMA President Sandelle Scrimshaw presented a cheque of $300,00 to Mr. Alan Bones for his article “L’Islande et les îles Féroé” in the photographs category, which appeared in Volume 28, no.4, and a cheque of $300,00 to Mr. Pierre-David Jean for his article “Le grand saut!” in the professional development category, which appeared in Volume 29, no. 1.

On June 10, 2015 Ms. Véronique Choquette won the RHOMA award for her article “The Do’s and Don’ts of Democracy Support” which appeared in Volume 28, Number 3 of “Bout de Papier”. Sandelle Scrimshaw, RHOMA’s Vice-president, presented her with a framed certificate and cheque.

No prize was awarded in 2014.

On June 13, 2013, Mr. Jordan Reeves won the RHOMA award. His article, “China Takeaways” appeared in Volume 27 No. 1. He received a framed certificate and cheque. Ms Jade Puddington received an honourable mention for her article “Once upon a Crisis… My Experience with DFAIT’s New Emergency Watch Response Centre”, which appeared in the same publication.

On June 7, 2012, Mr. Ken England and Mr. Michael Kovrig were the winners of the Retired Heads of Mission Association (RHOMA) sponsored award for the best article in Bout de papier magazine. Their article “DFAIT’s Global Security Reporting Program” appeared in Volume 26 No. 3. They each received a framed certificate and cheque.

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