Regional Groups

AMBCANADA has Regional Groups in three locations across Canada, namely, in Montreal, Toronto and Victoria that bring together AMBCANADA members in a variety of events.  Here is more information about them and their activities:

MONTREAL (for Montreal and Quebec)

Regional Director – Pierre Guimond
[email protected]


Upcoming and Recent Events


The Québec-Montreal section of the association saw a change of guard on January 1, when after several years of great service marked among other things by the pandemic, our colleague Anne handed its management over to Pierre Guimond. Following the practice established by Anne, the chapter held its first meeting on February 1st at McGill University’s Faculty where 15 colleagues, AmbCanada members and guests from other GAC employment groups had a great time to meet again.

While a good period of time was devoted to reconnecting in small groups, the assembly also reviewed current issues at GAC as the decline of bilingualism, the initiatives of Minister Joly and the Senate group on “the ‘future of diplomacy’ and the current direction of Canadian foreign policy. The meeting ended with the distribution of a survey aimed at consulting the section in a slightly more formal way; the results of this survey will be examined in the coming weeks in order to establish a plan of activities .



Slowly but surely, we are resuming our activities in the Montreal region. In August, in what has become an annual summer tradition, former ambassadors and delegates-general of Quebec who live in the National Capital and Charlevoix region got together. The need to follow health measures meant that in a smaller group, we really had the time to savour the occasion.

In mid-November, there was a sufficient number of us to organize our lunch, the first since October 2019. It was obvious that colleagues were delighted to converse in person and spontaneously while enjoying a good meal. Future events will depend on the course of the pandemic.


Regional members are encouraged to contact each other to support and propagate their social and charitable projects and also their literary and artistic activities.


TORONTO (for Toronto and southern Ontario)

Regional Director – Jon Allen
[email protected]


Upcoming and Recent Events




VICTORIA (for Victoria, British Columbia and the West)

Regional Director – 


Upcoming and Recent Events




AMBCANADA | PO Box 5005, RPO Rockland, Rockland, ON K4K 0A9
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